You finally decided to use cloud services for your organization? Great! There are definitely many advantages. Your objective was also to outsource the security to the provider? Sorry, not quite. The security of your information will always be your own responsibility.
Are You Outsourcing Your Security With a Cloud Application?
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August 1, 2018 | Information Security
Keeper Security and Random Deactivation
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May 30, 2018 | Information Security
We trust cloud services to keep our data secure. But we don’t always think about the impact in the event where the service would have some downtime. Even less in a situation where the provider would decide to disable the service.
Cloud Security with Object Storage
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January 5, 2018 | Information Security
Many cloud providers are often criticized for the security provided with object storage services. Even more after the disclosure of private information that occurred in 2017 by using these services. These security breaches were also from well-known organizations such as Verizon, Accenture, Booz Allen Hamilton, Viacom, National Security Agency, National Credit Federation, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Department of Defense, Republican National Committee, etc.