Kantoku: Fin du projet et retour possible
September 17, 2017   |   Personal Thoughts

This post was published when this blog was also in French. This post is available in English. Kantoku était une application autohébergée pour les entreprises afin de pouvoir gérer facilement leur gouvernance, risque et conformité TI (GRC). Comme mentionné dans une publication précédente, j’ai développé cette application pendant les premiers mois de 2016.

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Kantoku: Project Shutdown and Future Comeback
September 17, 2017   |   Personal Thoughts

Kantoku is a self-hosted application for companies to manage their IT governance, risk management and compliance (GRC). As mentioned in a previous post, I developed this application during the first part of 2016. At first, it was a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution with a really nice high availability infrastructure on AWS.

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