CISSP: Réussi, et une autre étape complétée
September 2, 2017   |   Information Security

This post was published when this blog was also in French. This post is available in English. Terminé. Cet examen de 6 heures avec ses 250 questions est enfin du passé. Eh oui, je parle bien du légendaire CISSP ou l’examen pour le “Certified Information Systems Security Professional” de ISC2.

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CISSP: Passed, and One More Milestone Completed
August 28, 2017   |   Information Security

Done. The 6-hour exam with its 250 questions is finally in the past. Yes, I am talking about the famous CISSP or the “Certified Information Systems Security Professional” exam from ISC2. This is the certification that most information security professionals will try to obtain at one point in their career.

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