Multi-factor authentication with YubiKey
August 3, 2020   |   Information Security

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is generally available these days with popular services e.g. Facebook, Google, Amazon, etc. Even more traditional industries, such as banks, are also doing, slowly, the same. A good mention here for my previous employer, a credit union, that has implemented multi-factor authentication around 2019.

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Banques canadiennes et authentification multifacteurs
June 11, 2013   |   Information Security

This post was published when this blog was only in French. At the moment, there is no translation available for this post. Suite à mon dernier article concernant l’authentification à deux facteurs, j’ai contacté les principales banques canadiennes pour vérifier s’il était possible d’activer une solution d’authentification à multifacteurs avec leurs services bancaires en ligne.

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